Catchfly, Forked
LATIN: Silene dichotoma Ehrh.

Catchfly, Forked
Family : Caryophyllaceae
Flowering Cévennes: 6 - 6 . Light: partial sun. . Moisture: average
Sample Cévenol GPS : 44°17.24' N 3°28.03' E
Status: Introduced,occasional; not of conservation concern

Silène bifurqué
Famille : Caryophyllaceae
Floraison Cévennes : 6 - 6 . Lumière: moyennement ensoleillé. . . Humidité: moyen
Exemple Cévenol GPS : 44°17.24' N 3°28.03' E
Statut : Introduit, accidentel ; pas de protection dans ce région
Habitat :
Silène bifurqué
Silene dichotoma
Catchfly, Forked

(des sources variées, pas inclus dans Coste) :

(D'après Coste, forme de Silene conica L., q.v.) 20-70 cm à longs poils non-glanduleux ; inflorescence à deux cymes unipares en V. Pedicelles très courts (1-2 mm)
Écologie : Moissons, friches, alluvions des courses d'eau. Très rare en toute le France. Native Italie à la Mediterranée est, Iran, Siberie ouest
Répartition hors de France : inconnu

Catchfly, Forked plant

(modified from Butcher, British Flora 1961):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date

Annual or biennial, 30-50 cm Stem erect, upper part branching (usually 2-branched), coarsely haired.
Ecology UK: (distribution according to flora) Harbours and wasteland. Also hay fields. Native to Altay, Baltic States, Belarus, Bulgaria, Central European Rus, Cyprus, East Aegean Is., Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kriti, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, North Caucasus, Northwest European R, Palestine, Romania, South European Russi, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Ukraine, West Siberia, Yugoslavia

Carte (c.2023) grâce à Tela Botanica

Information & Carte (c.2023) France/International grâce à INPN

Fleurs : blanches 10-15 cm Calices à 10 nervures hérissées de longs poils. Pétales blancs et profondément échancrés.
Floraison France : Mai-juillet

Catchfly, Forked flower

Flowers: Corolla regular, white, approx. 3-4 cm wide, petals 5, tips deeply notched. Throat of corolla with lobed corona [coronal scale?]. Calyx fused, 10-veined, cylindrical or quite oval at base, 15-18 mm hairy. Stamens 10. Pistil of 3 fused carpels, styles 3. Flowers almost stalkless, (half-)nodding in same direction, fragrant. Inflorescence a quite abundantly-flowered raceme. Usually 2. Its flowers don't usually open completely until the twilight or on cloudy days
Flowering UK: July-September.

Feuilles : Opposées

Catchfly, Forked leaf

Leaves: : opposite, narrowly ovate-narrowly elliptic, almost linear, 5-10 cm long, with entire margins, hairy, dark green. Leaves larger on lower part of stem, basal and stem leaves similar form. Apical flower stem unbranched.

Fruit : Carpophore glabre de 1-2 mm

Catchfly, Forked fruit

Fruit: elliptic, yellowish brown, 6-toothed, 12 mm long capsule.